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Hong Kong Mong Kok

15 May 2010

Shopping in Mong Kok

Another one of my short style updates, legs sore from mountain climbing earlier, but surprisingly my feet are fine!
This evening I went to Mong Kok which is the market/electronics/busy shopping area part of town with all the closed of streets etc.
This is where all the colored light signs are along with the Temple street and Ladies markets.
Its mostly crap but fun to walk along, or more accurately move along in a wave of people, its hard to change directions.
I bought a couple of things and had a really crappy dinner!

Hong Kong-Mong Kok - Along the market area theres a lot of promotions for different things going on in the streets, not sure what the boxheads were actually promoting.

Along the market area theres a lot of promotions for different things going on in the streets, not sure what the boxheads were actually promoting.

Hong Kong-Mong Kok - Time for some Hong Kong promotions girls, they are very popular amongst the throngs of photographers, these ones advertising the world cup.

Time for some Hong Kong promotions girls, they are very popular amongst the throngs of photographers, these ones advertising the world cup.

Hong Kong-Mong Kok - Not sure what these ones are advertising, but there was a hierachy of girls, some in full green business attire, some in shorts and regular tshirts, a

Not sure what these ones are advertising, but there was a hierachy of girls, some in full green business attire, some in shorts and regular tshirts, and then these ones in short shorts and tank tops doing the girly posing.

Hong Kong-Mong Kok - Heres some girls advertising pentax cameras being photographed by lots of people with non pentax cameras.

Heres some girls advertising pentax cameras being photographed by lots of people with non pentax cameras.

Hong Kong-Mong Kok - This is where my dinner came from, I didnt get what I ordered (I dont think). It was not tasty. The two women that work here seem mad at the world and

This is where my dinner came from, I didnt get what I ordered (I dont think). It was not tasty. The two women that work here seem mad at the world and their customers. More so than the regular chinese style service attitude.

Hong Kong-Mong Kok - Heres what I got, chewy beef on old rice with some very soft tofu. I hardly ate any of it.

Heres what I got, chewy beef on old rice with some very soft tofu. I hardly ate any of it.

Hong Kong-Mong Kok - The first Lotus I have seen in Hong Kong, plain base model Elise.

The first Lotus I have seen in Hong Kong, plain base model Elise.

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